2023 Hampshire County Fair, Crops Building
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2023 Hampshire County Fair, Crops Building

Jul 09, 2023

Project Development and Sports Editor

Crop Barn

2023 Crops Building – Entries Taken From General Public

Entries will be taken on Sunday, July 23, from 2 PM to 6 PM.

Exhibits and any premium money must be picked up on Saturday, July 29th from 6 PM to 8 PM.

Rules and regulations: Exhibits that do not conform to rules will be disqualified.

1. All exhibits must have been grown by exhibitor and should be labeled as to cultivar or variety. 2. Fair officials will take every precaution for the safekeeping of exhibits after their arrival and arrangement in the building, but will not be responsible for any damage or loss that may occur. Examples that have spoiled due to heat will be tossed out as the week progresses. 3. All horticulture classes are open to any amateur grower. Commercial exhibitors not eligible. 4. Potted plants must have been in possession of exhibitor three or more months prior to show. Saucers must be provided by the exhibitor. 5. Containers for cut specimens will be furnished by the Fair. Wedging is permitted. 6. Only one plant per container unless otherwise noted.

7. Plants should be groomed before exhibiting. Remove dead foliage and spent flowers. 8. Exhibits in poor condition will not be accepted. 9. Horticulture definitions: A Stalk is the stem of the plant; A Spike is a lengthened flower cluster (gladiolus); A Spray is a main stem with side branches and blooms on all sides. 10. Ribbons and premium money will be awarded as follows: Blue - $4.00, Red $3.00, White, $2.00. Best in show for each division or sub-division will be awarded. $5.00 will be paid to best in show winners.

11. Only one entry per class will be judged and awarded premium money. Multiple entries of the same class will be welcomed as display only exhibits. For organizational purposes the exhibit list is organized by department, division, sub-division (in some cases), and class. Department IV contains six divisions; Division 1, African violets, contains two classes, standard and miniature. Example: participants may enter both a standard and a miniature African violet for the purposes of judging and a premium award, but they may not enter more than one of either.

12. Exhibitors must deliver their entries themselves except that husbands and wives may enter exhibits for one another and parents, guardians and grandparents may enter exhibits for junior exhibitors.

Horticulture exhibits are judged for horticulture perfection, not just for size or age.

Department II Amateur Flower Show

Division 1 - African Violets

1. African Violet, Standard, any color (variegated or bicolor) single, semi-double or double. 2. African Violet, Miniature, any color, single, semi-double or double Division 2 - Potted Plants

Foliage not to exceed 24” high and 20” wide. Pot not to exceed 10” in diameter (except classes 22 and 42).

3. Begonia, tuberous, any variety 4. Begonia, wax, single or double, any color

5. Bonsai 6. Cactus, any variety. 7. Coleus, any variety. 8. Geranium, standard, any variety 9. Geranium, ivy, any color 10. Impatiens, standard, single or double, any color 11. Impatiens, new guinea, any color 12. Peperomia 13. Houseplant, any variety 14. Succulents, any variety except cactus 15. Any large houseplant, container and plant size unlimited 16. Topiary, any variety 17. Gloxinia, any color

Division 3 - Cut Specimen

All specimens exhibited must have foliage

18. Ageratum, 3 stalks 19. Dahlia, standard, single, 1 bloom 20. Dahlia, cactus, semi cactus, or miniature 21. Daisy, any variety 22. Dusty Miller, 1 stalk 23. Gaillardia, same color 24. Gerber Daisy, 1 bloom 25. Gladioli, 1 stem 26. Gloriosa Daisy, same color 27. Lisianthus 28. Marigold, any variety, any color, 1 bloom 29. Marigold, French, 1 spray, should have 3 blooms but nor more than 5 blooms 30. Petunia, any variety 31. Rudbeckia (Black-eyed Susan) 32. Salvia, any variety 33. Shasta daisy, any variety 34. Snapdragon, any color, 1 spike 35. Snapdragon, same color, 3 spikes 36. Statice, any color, 37. Strawflowers, same color 38. Large Sunflower. Seed head diameter 8: or larger (must be fresh cut, live specimen, dried flowers will not be accepted) 39. Sunflower. Seed head diameter less than 8: (must be fresh cut, live specimen, dried flowers will not be accepted 40. Yarrow, 1 Stalk 41. Zinnia, any variety 42. Any other cut flower

Division 4 – Roses

(Roses should be one-half to three-fourths open.) A spray must contain two or more blooms.

43. Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, or Floribunda, any color, 1 bloom 44. Hybrid Tea, Grandiflora, or Floribunda, any color, 1 spray 45. Miniature, any color, 1 bloom 46. Miniature, any color, 1 spray 47. Shrub Rose, any color, 1 bloom 48. Shrub Rose, any color, 1 spray 49. Climber, any color, 1 bloom 50. Climber, any color, 1 spray

Division 5 – Hanging Plants

(Container not to exceed 12” diameter. Length of hanger pot not to exceed 36”. Plants must have been grown together at least six weeks).

51. Flowering Plants 52. Ferns 53. Spider Plants 54. Other

Division 6 – Arrangements

55. Miniature arrangement (not to exceed 5” in all dimensions including container). May be fresh or dried 56. Centerpiece arrangement of fresh flowers and foliage. (Total height not to exceed 12 inches). 57. Arrangement for side table using any or all of the following: dried flower foliage, seed pods or cones 58. Arrangement of all fresh plant material, featuring driftwood or weathered wood as an accessory. Height not to exceed 15 inches 59. Holiday Arrangement 60. Corsage of fresh material 61. Other arrangements – Natural material 62. Wreaths – All natural materials 63. Mixed arrangement of fresh wild flowers 64. Patio Pots

Department III – Farm Products

Division 1 – Hay

1. Legume, 1/4-1/2 bale 2. Legume Grass Mixture, 1/4-1/2 bale 3. Cool Season, 1/4-1/2 bale 4. Warm Season Grass, 1/4-1/2 bale 5. Any Other, 1/4-1/2 bale

Division 2 – Potatoes

Do not wash, brush lightly

6. Russet (3)

7. Red (3) 8. White (3) 9. Yellow (3) 10. Sweet (3) 11. Specialty / Other (3)

Division 3 – Fruit

12. Apples (3) 13. Peaches (3) 14. Pears (3) 15. Grapes (pint) 16. Any Other

Division 4 – Vegetables

a) Legumes (beans and peas)

17. Beans, Green (8)

18. Beans, Fresh Shell (8)

19. Beans, Dried/Soup (8)

20. Peas, Snap (8)

21. Peas, Shell (8)

b) Root Vegetables

22. Beets (3)

23. Carrots (3)

24. Radishes (3)

25. Rutabagas (3)

26. Turnips (3)

27. Other (salsify, celeriac, scorzonera, parsnips, horseradish, etc.) (3)

c) Brassicas

28. Broccoli (1 head)

29. Brussel Sprouts (6)

30. Cabbage, Round Head (1)

31. Cabbage, Other (1)

32. Cauliflower Head (1)

33. Kohlrabi (3)

d) Leafy Greens

Exhibit 1 bunch weighing between ½ and 1 lb.

34. Collards (1 bunch weighing ½ to 1 lb.)

35. Lettuce, Leaf (1 bunch weighing ½ to 1 lb.)

36. Lettuce, Head (1)

37. Spinach (1 bunch weighing ½ to 1 lb.)

38. Swiss Chard (1 bunch weighing ½ to 1 lb.)

39. Other

e) Alliums

40. Garlic (3 bulbs)

41. Leeks (3)

42. Onions, Green (3)

43. Onions, Red (3)

44. Onions, White (3)

45. Onions, Yellow (3)

f) Peppers

46. Peppers, Bell (green) (3)

47. Peppers, Bell, (colored) (3)

48. Peppers, Sweet (non-bell) (3)

49. Peppers, Hot (banana) (3)

50. Peppers, Hot (jalapeno) (3)

51. Peppers, Hot (chili) (3)

52. Peppers, Hot (other) (3)

g) Tomatoes

53. Tomatoes, Paste type (3)

54. Tomatoes, Slicer (3)

55. Tomatoes, Grape/Cherry (1 pint)

56. Tomatoes, Specialty /All Other

h) Cucurbits

57. Squash, Summer, green, zucchini (1)

58. Squash, Summer, yellow, crookneck (1)

59. Squash, Winter (non-pumpkin) (1)

60. Pumpkins (1)

61. Cucumbers, pickling (1)

62. Cucumbers, slicing (1)

63. Gourds, Large (1)

64. Gourds, Small (1)

65. Watermelon (1)

66. Cantaloupe (1)

67. Other (1)

i) Sweet Corn

Ears must be husked.

68. Yellow (3)

69. White (3)

70. Bi-color (3)

j) Others

71. Eggplant (1)

72. Okra (6)

73. Rhubarb (1 bunch weighing ½ to 1 lb.)

74. Celery (1 head)

75. Mixed Vegetable Display

76. Any Other Vegetable

Division 5- Herbs Exhibit at least 3 blooms or 3 spikes with leaves for flowering herbs or 3 stalks or roots for others.

a) Culinary Herbs and Roots

77. Basil

78. Chives

79. Dill

80. Parsley

81. Thyme

82. Other

b) Specialty Herbs and Roots

83. Chamomile

84. Echinacea

85. Lemon Balm

86. Mints

87. Burdock

88. Other

Division 6 – Syrups and Honey

Exhibit should be one, one-pound glass jar.

89. Honey

90. Maple Syrup

91. Other Tree Syrup

92. Sweet Sorghum

Division 7 – Field Corn

93. Corn, 5 ears, husked 94. Ensilage Corn, 5 stalks 95. Corn for Grain, 5 stalks 96. Decorative Corn, 5 ears

Division 8 – Grains

97. Wheat, half gallon 98. Oats, half gallon 99. Rye, half gallon 100. Barley, half gallon

Division 9 – Eggs

101. Dozen Eggs, Brown 102. Dozen Eggs, White 103. Dozen Eggs, Other

Division 10 – Largest Specimen

Entries in this section will be judged on size alone. Quality will not be considered. Items are of general interest to visitors only and are not for the purpose of encouraging production of oversize, poor quality products.

104. Apple 105. Cabbage 106. Peach 107. Pepper 108. Potato 109. Pumpkin 110. Squash, Summer 111. Squash, Winter 112. Sunflower, Head 113. Sunflower, Tallest 114. Tallest Stalk of Corn 115. Tomato 116. Any Other

Commercial Exhibits also wanted. Please contact the WVU – Hampshire County Extension Office: (304) 822-5013

Project Development and Sports Editor

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2023 Crops Building – Entries Taken From General Public Entries will be taken on Sunday, July 23, from 2 PM to 6 PM. Exhibits and any premium money must be picked up on Saturday, July 29thfrom 6 PM to 8 PM. Rules and regulations:but will not be responsible for any damage or loss that may occur.Department II Amateur Flower Show Division 1 - African Violets Division 2 - Potted Plants Division 3 - Cut Specimen Division 4 – Roses Division 5 – Hanging Plants Division 6 – Arrangements Department III – Farm Products Division 1 – Hay Division 2 – Potatoes Division 3 – Fruit Division 4 – Vegetables Division 5- HerbsDivision 6 – Syrups and Honey Division 7 – Field Corn Division 8 – Grains Division 9Division 10Keep it Clean.PLEASE TURN OFF YOUR CAPS LOCK.Don't Threaten.Be Truthful.Be Nice.Be Proactive.Share with Us.Success!Error!Sign up today!