It's time to weed out snobbishness about houseplants and those who grow them
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It's time to weed out snobbishness about houseplants and those who grow them

Jun 28, 2023

If you’ve ever nurtured a Venus flytrap, palm or cactus, you’re a gardener, and don’t let anyone tell you otherwise – especially people who only grow outside.

Horticulture is awash with snobbishness about indoor gardening, so I wasn’t surprised to get some funny looks when I announced the launch of my houseplant podcast On The Ledge back in 2017. I started talking about indoor gardening because I struggled to find anyone else consistently covering the subject, or taking it seriously as a strand of horticulture. Gardening seemed to be limited to tending a patch of earth, whether that was an allotment or a back garden, while houseplants were reduced to a few pots on a windowsill.

Outdoor growers revelled in telling me that they couldn’t keep a single houseplant alive, as if this was a badge of honour. How on earth would I find enough to say about palms, cacti and ferns to stretch over more than a handful of episodes, they asked? Six years, more than 270 episodes of On The Ledge and a book later, and I feel as if I have only scratched the surface.

My gardening interests straddle both worlds – I adore my compost heap and love growing unusual fruit and veg, but I have a hefty houseplant collection too. It’s where my obsession with plants began as a child, coaxing cacti into extravagant bloom, or rescuing an African violet from certain death at the hands of a relative.

Here’s what I’ve learned about the differences between gardening indoors and out over more than four decades.

Mistakes that are easily missed or masked outdoors – the odd dead plant, vine weevil damage or a failed harvest – are massively magnified indoors. There really is nowhere to hide from a withered peace lily or a cactus that’s turned to mush.

In the garden, plants’ roots can venture further in search of sustenance, and a well-timed downpour of rain can make up for a patchy watering regime. Houseplants, on the other hand, are like babies – totally reliant on us for absolutely everything, from light and water to nutrients and pest control. The expertise needed to keep everything alive, from cacti and carnivorous plants like the sundew, to ferns and begonias, is on a par with anything outdoor gardeners must master.

Things are starting to change. The Covid pandemic has forced a huge transformation in the horticultural world: repeated lockdowns drew the focus indoors, as those without gardens realised they could improve their wellbeing by greening their interiors: a 2021 survey found that Britons spend more than £300 a year on houseplants.

Studies into biophilia – the theory that as humans we are drawn to living things and have an inherent desire to commune with nature – have repeatedly shown us that by bringing greenery indoors, we can improve our mental and physical wellbeing.

Although there are still, inexplicably, no television programmes devoted to indoor gardening, houseplant enthusiasts have taken to social media to share their passion. And the Royal Horticultural Society, established in 1804, has just announced its first large-scale indoor plant show, taking place next spring in Manchester.

That’s great news for houseplants, and for us. As green spaces come under ever greater pressure and extreme weather wrought by climate change makes gardening outside less of a certainty, it’s even more important to turn the spotlight on the skill and sheer innovation that’s taking place in the houseplant realm.

Taking a deep dive into the world of houseplants during the last six years has shown me that there are growers creating incredibly intricate and sophisticated projects, from a desktop waterfall garden to the tropical plant enthusiast determined to festoon his whole living room with the leaves of a climbing wild yam, Dioscorea discolor.

There are houseplant enthusiasts setting up tissue culture labs in their spare room, hybridising rare aroids and incorporating tree-sized succulents into their living spaces.

Incredible gardens can happen anywhere, indoors or out. So whether you’re just starting out with a single moth orchid or building your tenth terrarium, be proud to call yourself a gardener. You’ve earned it.

Jane Perrone is an author, journalist, garden writer and host of houseplant podcast On The Ledge. Her book Legends of the Leaf is out now

Jane Perrone is an author, journalist, garden writer and host of houseplant podcast On The Ledge. Her book Legends of the Leaf is out now